Starting a new blog - with Bluesky comments!

Every so often, I decide to revamp my personal website. This time, I wanted to create a website with Astro. I also wanted to integrate it with Bluesky comments, so you can comment on a blog post on Bluesky, and view replies on the blog post page. I used Jade Garafola’s instructions, slightly tweaked because I use Astro without TinaCMS.
All I have to do now is write a Bluesky post (I’m not saying ‘skeet’) with a link to my post, then update it by adding a reference to the Bluesky post’s URI to the frontmatter:
And it works like a charm. So feel free to post a comment and see if it shows up here! (Although I wonder if it requires a rebuild to show up…)
Reply on Bluesky here to join the conversation.